Today, Will read 2 chapters of the Book of Mormon and discussed them with me. He completed a lesson and partial 2ND lesson of math, he worked on cursive, finished reading How to Eat Fried Worms and blogged about it, read his Sonic book for 30 minutes, completed 3 science experiments, planted seeds for our family garden, cleaned his room, developed a deeper relationship with his brother by helping him build a train set, made lunch for not just himself but his brother and sister as well, wrote in his journal and chose topics for his Boston report and picked what he wanted to learn about the Revolutionary War. I think it was a productive day, beat that Public School! So despite being a bit exhausted, I feel pretty happy about our day!
Boy scientist! During Study time, Will chose to work on a science book I picked up filled with different experiments. He loves this type of activity and had fun doing them. He learned about Surface tension, Optical illusions and "Bending" or Refracting light.
Below is his Surface Tension Experiment. Super fun!
I don't think I learned that much in a month at school so hopefully you'll be able to keep your momentum. You really shine making daily things a learning experience. Way to go!