Friday, November 19, 2010

Just another day. . .

Today was a little crazy, Ian was sick and luckily Dennis was home so he took him and Will to the doctor (Will wasn't sick but just tagged along-for fun!). Viv was OK she went to school as usual. Ian's little home school preschool workshop thing was having the parent workshop day and I didn't want to miss so I took Cadey with me to that and she got to do "school" today. She was super excited and made sure I packed her a backpack like I do for Viv and Ian when they go. Dennis ended up being at the doctor for 4 1/2 hours! They had to do tests and take x-rays and finally determined Ian has a bronchial infection. We all had lunch and then I decided that we still needed to do a little school time so the day wouldn't be totally lost. Ian and Cadey had quiet time/nap time for a bit. Will and I read a chapter of Bridge to Terabithia folded laundry and played a game called take two where you make words out of scrabble tiles. Will also did two science experiments out of a little book he has and read his chapter book "Super Goofballs". For some this may not seem like a productive school day. I might even have a sliver of my brain that is worried it's not that productive but considering what he would really accomplish in a school day the only thing really left out is writing and math from today. He read, he worked, he experimented, he thought about and manipulated words and he built his relationship with me, his dad and his brother today. I can't see what is too bad about that. As I am writing I am still feeling like I need to justify what we are doing. . .Still working on that!

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